Our coaching services for individuals.

  • Mental Fitness / Positive Intelligence

    Are negative emotions (stress, anxiety, avoidance, …) impacting you?

    Boost your mental fitness in just weeks with our 8-week program based upon Shirzad Chamine’s book “Positive Intelligence.”

    • Kick-off / Onboarding Session

    • Take the PQ Assessment (10 minutes)

    • Weekly Digital Content (60 minutes)

    • 6 weekly pod meetings (30-45 minutes)

    • Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions (30 minutes)

    • App based Mental Fitness Gym (5-10 minutes Monday-Friday)

    • Closing Session

    This program guides you step-by-step to train and build the three core muscles for mental fitness:

    • Saboteur Interceptor Muscle: Your Saboteurs generate all your negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. Mental fitness requires the ability to intercept and discredit the Saboteurs.

    • Sage Muscle: Your Sage is the one in you that handles challenges with a clear and calm mind, and positive emotions. It also has access to your 5 primary powers. For peak performance, you learn to boost all 5 powers and know when to use which power.

    • Self-Command Muscle: Boost your ability to command your mind to quiet the Saboteur region and amplify the Sage region. Using simple daily exercises, you will learn to run your brain, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked brain to run you.

  • Intercultural Development

    Are you curious how effectively you work/interact across cultures?

    Each approach can be customized based upon your situation. The following is a high level example of a typical sequence.

    1) Discovery call

    Discuss your goals and current experience working/interacting across cultures.

    2) Take the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

    The IDI is grounded in a comprehensive, cross-culturally validated theory of intercultural competence.

    3) We review your results

    Understand where you are on the continuum. This becomes your starting point.

    4) Based upon your goals, Develop your Individual Development Plan

    5) Coaching Check-in(s)

    Possible Outcomes:

    • Positive feelings toward people from different cultures

    • Positive feelings people from different cultures have about you

    • Reduced culture-contact stress-related ailments

    • Professional effectiveness

    • Improved community relations in multicultural environments

  • Coaching

    Click to Watch: What is Coaching

    Is there a change you would like to make or are experiencing and find yourself getting stuck or making little progress?

    We provide a space for one-to-one development. You will identify your desired goal(s) while the coach supports you on this journey by challenging your thinking and identifying blockers to progress. Think of your coach as your thought partner.

    A few examples:

    • Relationship Transition (ex: navigating the relationship shift as a child moves out of the home, preparing for the non-financial side of retirement)

    • Personal Goals (ex: living the life I want)